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The News!

Bel Vino pivots to emerging digital wine industry landscape

Bel Vino Winery is making moves to ensure they can continue to make money during this trying time for wineries in the Temecula Valley.Like many other wineries all over the state and country, because of the coronavirus they are ratcheting up their digital game by creating a better e-commerce platform for wine sales and will be hosting a virtual wine tasting event with master winemaker George Bursick Thursday, May 7.Bursick is one of the most accomplished winemakers in California.

Plug in the Hispanic Internet

Latin Trends
By Lucía Tovar-Matthews I’ve seen it before and it still surprises me. The insights of an underdog open unexpected doors for Internet consumers and yank the rug right out from under the dominant providers of the day. Remember – AOL, Microsoft, MySpace, and Yahoo. Falling prey to their own complacency about a fast changing Internet culture these powerhouses failed to address the needs of their own audience. And in walked – Apple, Facebook, and Google – providing services that consumers didn’t even know they wanted. Well, you know the rest of the story …

Interactive Chat CEO Named California Hispanic Business Man of the Year

VISTA, CALIFORNIA (PRWEB) AUGUST 28, 2008 Eddie Batiz of Vista, California, serial entrepreneur and founder of Inbound Clicks and, has been named 2008 Business Man of the Year by the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce (CAHCC) at their 29th annual convention held in San Francisco earlier this month.

Join El Navy

The military offers a route for Hispanic Americans to earn college degrees, cross the digital divide, and learn skills that will be highly valued in the post-September 11th economy. Now, a Hispanic owned marketing firm has joined forces with the United States Navy to encourage Hispanic Americans to consider military careers. World War I army recruiters plastered America with posters depicting “Uncle Sam,” who pointed a bony finger and declared, “I want you!” However, if the military were to use the historic American icon on a recruitment poster today, they’d probably be willing to nickname him “Tio Sam,” and the poster would be in Spanish or even, Spanglish. Launches

The U.S. Navy announced the launch of, a Web site designed for new recruits of Hispanic origin. This comes on the heels of’s announced launch of, the official career Web site for the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. targets Hispanic men and women eligible to join the Navy, and their families. The site communicates the Navy’s understanding of the Hispanic community and culture, which is deeply rooted in family tradition and values.

Eddie Batiz One Step at a Time

I have been in the digital media space for more than 20 years and won many awards in recognition of preemptive and innovative work. Throughout the years I realized how little is out there to help small businesses understand and grow using digital media. So at eBatiz+Associates we provide our clients with unique solutions by converging old and new media tactics and tapping best practices across all contact points. The tactic: delivering core messages that are engaging using the latest digital platforms, tools and apps to measure results instantly.

Our certifications

When it comes to advertising online, we’re pros. We don’t want to brag, but we’ve got some pretty heavy-duty certifications and have had them for as long as 25 years. We’re Google Partners and Google Analytics Certified Developers, and we’ve been certified by Facebook in Ads Manager for over 10 years. We’re also part of their Blueprint Program, which is an exclusive program for top-performing advertisers who want to learn more about Facebook’s advertising products.